Explanation of effective components in the structure of world class manufacturing in the automotive industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Industrial Management, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of management and accounting martyr Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting martyr, Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Departmentof Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting martyr Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


This paper aims to define and design a model of world class manufacturing (WCM) in the automotive industry, using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). World class manufacturing model enables organization to pursue their activities and competitions in the global scope. In addition, this will not be fulfilled unless the organization can be assessed in accordance with the best world-class industry and competition. This model consists of eight main pillars and twenty-three sub-elements in the form of technical and managerial elements classified and crystallized. The main elements of the model include business processes, flexibility, technology and electronic tools, electronic supply chain management, new product development, human capital, competitive strategies and performance evaluation. Although each of the pillars, major and minor, has unique influence on the structure of a model, none alone will be able to assist organization in achieving its main goal (world class manufacturing), so in order to establish the integrity of the pillars, interpretative structural modeling (ISM) technique is used. Sampling method is non-randomized targeted. The sample is taken from the elites and experts, and the results in form of model diagram are outlined by using interactive network of principal and subsidiary organs (dimensions and indicators): this shows the road to the world class manufacturing. Additionally, in this paper varied methods of ISM cognitive mapping are noticed.


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